Walk of Hope Event Photos - 2022 | Detroit Michigan

Download Event Photos Here: EVENT PHOTOS

Saturday, April 30th 2022 was the 4th “Walk of Hope” in Detroit Michigan. I’m grateful to have been a part of this event for the last 4 years. The first year I just walked, as it is a very emotional event and I was in the thick of my own infertility struggle.. 2020 was all virtual, so I got to help behind the scenes with photography & other things. In 2021 I helped with photography as we transitioned back to in-person events. And this year we were back in Detroit once again as a big event. It feels like it has been a wild ride the last few years.

Portraits in Lansing | Portraits in Stockbridge | Group Portrait sessions | Professional Portraits | Portraits Day | Awesome Portrait Photographer | Michigan Photographer | Stockbridge Michigan Photographer | Studio in Stockbridge | Location Photogra

I am honored to have been asked to capture photos of this event, it is still a big puddle of emotions for me. I feel like I put in a lot of work over the years mentally, emotionally and physically. Test after test after test to figure out what is wrong. Hours upon hours with my support group & a therapist to work through all these hard things. I still wanted to break down and cry for all these beautiful people going through the same things, and myself again.

Sometimes it can be the smallest thing that will trigger the water works. For me it was right before the event started & I was capturing some of the tiny little details. I reached the Journey Beads & snapped shots of them, then reached down to pick one up for myself. It took a few moments to collect myself and get back to the moment. But seeing everyone with their beads throughout the day, knowing that I am not alone in this journey was heart breaking but also comforting. “You are Not Alone” is the phrase I repeat to myself so often since the first “WOH”.

Portraits in Lansing | Portraits in Stockbridge | Group Portrait sessions | Professional Portraits | Portraits Day | Awesome Portrait Photographer | Michigan Photographer | Stockbridge Michigan Photographer | Studio in Stockbridge | Location Photogra

I will always be grateful to Sue & LeAndrea for everything they do for our community. Finding them has been one of the best things in my life. They are truly the kindest and most loving women I’m blessed to know!

Ahhh…and now on to the part you all are waiting for…sometimes I ramble and sorry for that. Photos from the whole event can be found and downloaded here: EVENT PHOTOS


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